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Lung cancer has impacted the vast majority of society in one shape or another with one person out of 16 being diagnosed with lung cancer in the United States. The chance for a man to develop lung cancer is 1 in 15, with a 1 in 17 chance for women. It is the number one leading cause of death for cancer patients—and your risk increases significantly if you decide to smoke. It is a disease that impacts many but is still poorly understood in many ways.

The Definition of Cancer

Lung cancer consists of abnormal cells that rapidly grow within the lungs. The out of control cells invade other parts of the body and create tumors. While the cells start within the lungs, they spread to other lymph nodes in other areas. The disease directly impacts the respiratory system and leaves damage in its wake. There are two forms of cells: small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC). The SCLC grow faster and have a higher chance to spread compared to their counterpart.

The Cause?

Cancer can result from multiple different factors, though there is one that stands out as a majority cause. 80% of cases are caused by smoking. It can also develop in those that have been exposed to other substances such as asbestos, radon, or radioactive dust. Another cause of the ailment can come from gene mutations that occur as people age. In regards to smoking, the longer and more often you smoke, the higher your chances of it developing. The moment that you stop smoking or cut down will diminish the possibility, but that depends on how much you smoked previously.

How Do You Prevent it?

The first step is just to stop or reduce the amount that you smoke—a daunting task for many. Visit the American Cancer Society’s website for more information on how to get started. Avoid secondhand smoke and jobs that bring you direct contact with arsenic, or asbestos. Ensure that the levels of radon in your home are minimal. Radon is a radioactive gas that is released from soil, natural gas, and certain building materials. You are unable to see or smell it, so hiring a professional or DIY kit to test the levels of your home is ideal. If you have dangerous levels of radon in your home, the first step is to prevent it from entering your home through sub-slab depressurization. This moves air underneath the foundation to vent the area and reduce in your home.

It’s important to understand what cancer is to treat it and prevent it. We have the opportunity to minimize our chances to develop the illness and should take every action to do so.  Stay tuned for the conclusion of this two-part mini-series where we will discuss the symptoms of lung cancer and the next steps you should take.